Saturday 3 September 2016

My sugar funeral

So very new to the whole blogging thing...and by very new I mean I literally just finished reading the dummies guide to blogging, so no fancy photos or anything on this first blog....I'll try harder next time I promise!!!

So what's with the decision to start a blog I hear you ask....well apparently according to some lovely people in my life it would be "entertaining" to follow me on my journey to quit sugar (which I have been told is similar to quitting cocaine, haven't had that experience in my life so won't be able to make an exact comparison on that one sorry!!!)

So back to the quitting sugar thing....I have had a lot of people ask why I am quitting sugar, I guess the easy answer is why not.  There are actually a few reasons...

1) I don't know how old you, as the reader of my blog, might be, but when I turned 30 someone said to me (literally on that day - nice, happy, chirpy, well-wishing person they were)..."Oh it's all down hill now, metabolism will slow down and you'll just start getting fat by looking at a cake"....I laughed I thought it was funny....little did I know!  Apparently, in your 30's you can't just outrun a bad diet, and so something has to change.  I have read some good results from the I quit sugar, program and they send me a step by step "what to eat at every moment of the day and how to make it" program, which I love, so that was that!

2) I have some yucky digestive issues (again something which 21 year old me didn't need to worry about!) which nobody wants to hear the ins and outs of really, but again, I have spent some time reading and researching the benefits of quitting sugar, and I'm willing to give it a go and see what happens (I promise to keep mention of any bowel habits etc. to an absolute minimum).

3) A very friendly Uber driver (who I then swapped numbers with because he was so nice and friendly and we had so much in common we should really catch up for coffee some time soon!!!), told me about his PhD he is doing on rats and their addiction to sugar and cocaine.  Apparently their response to cocaine and sugar intake is the same, as is their response to the withdrawal from these substances.  To be honest, it scared me, and made me think, do I really need this in my life, and how will my body respond to quitting the white stuff!

So, welcome to my journey.....starts Monday....for now I am spending my weekend at a sugar funeral, eating one of everything that I will not be eating for another 8 weeks.....


  1. You can do it girl if anyone can then you can. So proud of ya and so excited to read about all your withdrawals!!!! You know me I'm the friend you always wished for lol

  2. Looking forward to following your journey. I'm a long term blogger, and fellow IQS on this September journey. Good luck.
