One of the hardest things I had to decide to bring in was this AMAZING caramel sauce, which was meant to be used sparingly but pre giving up sugar Morag used to eat it with a spoon straight from the jar (have I mentioned it was amazing), I just had to get it out of the fridge so the temptation wasn't there. I even (this is a big move) gave Adam (my partner) permission to eat the remainder of the Irish chocolate in the fridge which I generally as a rule do not let him touch because he doesn't have a good enough appreciation for how yummy and creamy Irish chocolate is compared to Australian stuff, and it just annoys me!
After emptying the fridge it meant I had to then rebuy some stuff, like mayonnaise, so I went for a half day trip to Coles to read the labels on everything I needed and figure out what products contained the lowest sugar quantities and what had no added sugar. It was hard, and it was long, and I thought they were gonna actually kick me out of the shop for hanging around the mayonnaise section for 2 hours reading every label, but I got there and now pretty much most of everything in my house contains less than 5g of sugar per 100g. I have never been so organised about food labels and food stuff in my life - hopefully it helps:)
Yesterday, I went to a baby shower for my beautiful friend, where we went to a lovely high tea. The reason I'm mentioning this is because there was both myself and another friend of mine who are doing the I Quit Sugar program, and so I wanted to see if they would be able to cater for us with a sugar/fructose free menu. On Wednesday I rang up and tried to organise this, which resulted in a very interesting conversation where the lady ended up telling me that she was sure all the cakes were made with fructose free sugar, and then when we actually got there, the waitress told me that they were fructose free - trust me on this, without knowing the ingredients I knew from looking at these cakes they were NOT fructose free, so I just ate some sandwiches and ignored the scones and cakes - I survived:) It did make me think though that about 5 years ago, if you asked for gluten or dairy free at a restaurant you probably had only one choice, or maybe even none, whereas now there are so many choices for people who are gluten or lactose free. So maybe in 5 years time having "sugar free" options on a menu will be the norm as it becomes more and more apparent that sugar isn't really that good for you!
Last Sunday, we had the most amazing dinner I have had on the program. I am not the biggest lamb fan (I know very un-Australian isn't it - a true sign I will always be Irish to the core and never be able to give that up), but this meal semi-converted me into a lamb lover. It was so yummy. Unfortunately we are not meant to share the recipes with people and I tried to google it to see if anyone else had ever shared it and then technically it's not my fault, but unfortunately they haven't. I did fid someone who had shared a photo of it though so I will share their photo instead (mine wouldn't have won any award for presentation so this one actually looks as yummy as it tasted). It was a Persian slow-cooked lamb with herb and pistachio pilaf, made with "fake rice" (aka quinoa), and it was one of the nicest meals I have ever made (I must add I'm not a very good cook so it may not actually be a proper reflection of how nice the meal was).
I now plan on spending the week organising all my recipes that I have been given in the 8 week program into yes I like it and no that was awful I will never eat that again. I also bought the book Simplicious, which has a photo of Sarah Wilson looking super amazing on the front and made me think that I too could look super amazing if I buy the book, it is full of some absolutely yummy looking recipes though so hopefully I will be able to maintain a sugar free lifestyle equipped with all these recipes and knowledge, and one day I too will look as glamorous and healthy as Sarah Wilson, I'm sure that's how it works:)
Again, thanks for reading, the next time will be the last blog:)